A Bond That Cannot Be Broken | Teen Ink

A Bond That Cannot Be Broken

February 8, 2022
By acytrych SILVER, Polo, Illinois
acytrych SILVER, Polo, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

The sweet, sweet symphony of my mother’s voice dances through the air. A glorious tune I have become accustomed to. A constant that could never change.
Mom, I got a Perfect score on my test!
I am so Proud of you!
In that moment, I am walking on air. Unable to be pulled down by the heavy weight of disappointment that threatens to crush other Relationships.
How did I get so Lucky to have you as my daughter?
Arms suddenly engulf me in a warm embrace. A warmth I can feel deep within my soul. A Love like no other.
Nothing could ever break the Bond we shared.
Could it?


The soft, cotton sheets brush lightly across my face. My Muscles giving way for the first time in many days. Causing my body to become limp, almost lifeless, and sink into the Mattress. A familiarity I had deeply missed.
How are you doing kiddo?
Pain. That is all I feel. It spreads through my body like a wildfire raging through a bone dry forest. Only this time, my body was the forest. And the fire raging through me was the endless amount of Medicine I was given in hopes of keeping my body alive.
But how could I tell her that?
I’m doing okay right now. Just Tired.
My mother’s face drops. Pity and Despair suddenly washing over the atmosphere.
It is at that moment I start to lose faith. Faith in if it will get better. And begin preparing for the battles that will threaten to destroy our once steady relationship.


This is unacceptable.
Unacceptable? How could I be Unacceptable?
All my life, I have tried my best to please her. Running myself ragged, exceeding the point of Exhaustion. A machine that never stops turning, even when it requires a break.
I expect better from you.
Rage. A recurring Emotion surging through my body. How could she possibly say that? I am doing the best I can.
How can one's relationship go from being full of love, something that cannot be broken, to a constant turmoil of negativeness?
Oh, I know.

The author's comments:

My mother and I have always had a special bond. However, the strength of that bond was tested when I was diagnosed with a life-altering disease. Since then, our relationship has never been the same. My mother and I have never been able to talk about these changes face to face, so I figured there was no better way to put my emotions out there than through writing.


**The poem starts out describing the relationship before my diagnosis, then moves to right after I was diagnosed, and then ends with what it is like now.**

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 10 2022 at 4:02 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Your poem is really powerful...And a mother's and her child's bond is unbreakable...
Anyway, how are you feeling now??? Remember if you need anything, we're always out here for you...
Stay strong and write more as it is your way of relief and also we need to see more of your work!!!