Girls: A Spoken Word Poem | Teen Ink

Girls: A Spoken Word Poem

February 16, 2022
By Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Girls are all I want sometimes

every hour of the day my mind is overwhelmed with the thought of girls

Girls of all weights and girls of all colors

As long as they smile when they see me

And love me unconditionally 

And hold my head in their lap as I sob over how much I don’t want to lose them

I’m a splotch of color on a black and white canvas

The colors are muddy but somehow still bright enough to be seen

I’m a category on websites

A product that men love to sell to other men in order for them to find some sick twisted happiness from watching me

I’m not an object that can be used for pleasure

I’m not a joke that other girls can use for male validation

I don’t care how drunk they were

I’ll feel disgusted and objectified

My mind feels like a swarm of bees attacking an innocent child who only wanted a little honey

I want someone to carve my eyes out of my head and soak them until the color drains from my irises.

I want someone to rearrange my ribs until my lungs are encased in contorted bone

I want someone to yank my tongue from my mouth until I can’t say another stupid word again

But I want someone to hold me

And tell me

That it’ll all be okay.

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