For Abuela | Teen Ink

For Abuela

February 16, 2022
By Sloane_Burpo BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
Sloane_Burpo BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could say one thing to you, I wouldn’t say I love you.

I wouldn’t say I miss you.

I wouldn’t say that your house is not the same without you.

I wouldn’t ask you for a hug.

I wouldn’t tell you about how I’m doing

Or what I’m doing

Or how I’m feeling 

Not because I don’t want to.

Not because I don’t 

Love you.                   Miss you.    

Instead I would say

“I’m sorry I couldn’t understand you.”

“Lamento no haber podido entenderte.”

I hope when I die 

I get to tell you that.

The author's comments:

When I was twelve, my grandmother passed away. We were never as close as we could have been, because she only spoke Spanish and I only spoke English. My mom would help translate, but it wasn’t the same as really getting to know someone. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about her until she started to lose her memory. After she died, I couldn’t get over the fact that I never made an effort to really understand her. I’ve mostly accepted it now, but sometimes I can’t help but dwell on the past.

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