Parents | Teen Ink


March 4, 2022
By Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
13 articles 19 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A word too hard to Difficult." Mellohi 2/9/2021

Wow you really could’ve tried

I loved you but you guys just left

You left us and basically died

You guys were the best of the best

You said it’d be a long sleepover

2 ½ years long

Where’s my four-leaf clover?

2 ½ years you’ve been gone


3 long long years I’ve waited 

For you to just come back

Your images have faded

All to a dark, dark black

The next moment I see you

I smile with tears in my eyes

Now All you have to do

Is apologize


You have to apologize for leaving me

For leaving us, your kids

But now we are free

We can do whatever we want like riding down hills on tub lids

It’s been four years now

I haven’t seen you in forever

I thought we had made a vow

A vow that we could not break never


All I have left of you is a silly stuffed frog

But it’s just enough for me to remember you

When I look at him it’s like I’m walking threw a thick fog

And threw that fog is a day when the skies were a beautiful blue

My lovely frog is bright green and small

He is a very nice buddy for when I’m sad

Though one time I accidentally threw him at a wall

It was only because I was very mad

The author's comments:

This one was from last year, I had just wanted to rant about sucky life so yee.

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