I’m the Victim | Teen Ink

I’m the Victim

March 24, 2022
By TrendyTiger13 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
TrendyTiger13 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bang, Bang, Bang is all that rang out as I hit the floor with a thud. Screams echoed throughout the room, followed by the sound of silence. Red and black filled the air as I felt someone pull on my arm. 

    “Come on. Let’s go, Hurry!” Those were the last words spoke before I heard no more.

Whoosh went time as school went by. As quick as a hare I say. The day continued and didn’t hinder until the bell rang. In car I go, with time to spare, questions stab my soul. I turn to window, drown them out, and all I say is, “Let’s go.” 

Back at home, I perch down into a chair to rest. As questions still fly around, I retreat to my safe place. Earbuds in, phone on, volume up high. Now all I hear is the sound of music blasting through my ears.

Another day, another boring day. I walk to class, watch the clock, and hope it goes away. But then I stop as I hear the drop of something really loud. A gust of wind, and one shout, that warned us, “GET DOWN.”

After that I hear, BANG BANG BANG ring out through the school. My hands vibrate as I shoot those who are dear to me. My friends go first, then my teachers. The ones I really liked. I can’t stop there so I aim towards the lights. Darkness filled the halls as shrieks fall on deaf ears. One more to go, I move to the office. Sitting there all high and mighty with a sinister grin. I take aim and shoot him right in the head. He’s not gone yet, so three more shots should do the trick. But before I got the chance, the door busts in. 

Men and women pour in as I shout for help. 

Bang, Bang, Bang is all that rang out as I hit the floor with a thud. Screams echoed throughout the room, followed by the sound of silence. Red and black filled the air as I felt someone pull on my arm. 

    “Come on. Let’s go, Hurry!” Those were the last words spoke before I heard no more.

The author's comments:

This poem is supposed to represent what I think is going through someone’s head in a school shooting. Through the first part of the poem, readers believe that the poem is written in the perspective of the victim. But at the end of the poem, it’s revealed it was written in the eyes of the shooter who believes the school made them this way. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Apr. 3 2022 at 3:53 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

I love the final twist...☆☆☆