Delicate Vulnerability | Teen Ink

Delicate Vulnerability

May 4, 2022
By AjKruse GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
AjKruse GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The eyes that catch mine wandering through the halls seep right through me

Gazing into the eyes that are like a pool of honey

I fall weak and my walls crumble down as if they were made of dry clay

I stumble over my thoughts and lose touch with reality once more

I am vulnerable.

My thoughts begin to flood with only images of him

How does he feel when he looks at me?

Opening my world up into an array of trust, heartbreak, and vulnerability.

Every part of me wants to fall in his arms and tell him the emotions that he bestows upon me

But every ounce of common sense pulls me back with rope tightly gripped around my heart

Vulnerability has taken its toll on me in the past, breaking me down to pieces 

Just to be put back together and torn apart again.

But with him, it feels different

My guard is let down with him just like with all of the others who came into my life

The ones who had started the fire and left me with only fuel

I am delicate, fragile, and emotional

but overbearingly vulnerable to the people who have the capability to hurt me the most

One last time I gaze towards him pondering all of the thoughts of him that flood my mind

I only want to be vulnerable for him.

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