The Beautiful Sport | Teen Ink

The Beautiful Sport

May 14, 2022
By tyler_bueno19 BRONZE, Moonchie, New Jersey
tyler_bueno19 BRONZE, Moonchie, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ball is coming to me at a high speed

We must play this match like we are the top seed

I can hear the crowd cheering for me 

And the loud whistle being blown by the referee

One to one we are tied

We are fighting with pride

Our captain leads us throughout the play

We must win this game today

I can see our coach yelling out words of encouragement

the other teams crowd yelling us words of discouragement

We can’t give in 

But we must bring out all of our energy within

Two to one we are now winning 

As the ball is spinning

Now we wait for the whistle to blow

Our goalie launched the ball with a big throw

The game ends

And our energy descends

We go home with a tough win

Now we wait for another game to begin

The author's comments:

I made this piece about soccer.

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