Honk Honk | Teen Ink

Honk Honk

May 24, 2022
By tuppily BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
tuppily BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A line of red and white approaches
It’s quite tight already
But there is determination amongst the fools
To create a spectacle out of size

Just like a puzzle they fill the corners first,
Taking up the sides, pressing their faces against the glass
The middle begins to fill in,
They are far past the point of return

Squeaks and jangles poor from their clothing
Their intentions are anything but unnoticeable
Their faces smudge onto the seatbacks
Leaving a trail of colored sludge behind

Finally, they’re finished
I manage to squeeze my foot onto the pedal
The car lurches forwards,
Slowly, we make our way to the circus.

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