Nacc | Teen Ink


May 24, 2022
By Gavinting69 BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
Gavinting69 BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cold Winter Night 

We had a Early release from school that day 

So we could get ready for the upcoming playoff game later on that day 

The practice before coach told us that we would be going to the game 

My heart sank like i was going down a roller coaster this would be my first Varsity game 

I knew i wouldn't be playing but nonetheless i was still insanely freaked out 

I always wondered what it would feel like to run onto that field with over 200-300 people 

But now i knew what it was gonna be like, what if i fall what if i trip what if i'm too slow 

What if i miss the bus what if i get a F and coach tells me i can't go my dad would KILL ME

I have to push all these thoughts to the side push them down deep inside 

Getting ready for the game every single thought every single thing is max to 100 

I thought my heart was pounding at the begging of the day well it was nothing compared to 30 minutes before we leave for the buses 

We sit in the gym Coach Pyatt has something to say he plays a video on the gym screens it's a highlight tape to get us hyped up 

One thing you notice after you play this game for a while is EVERY thing you do is evolved around hype 

We walk outside they have a band playing and theirs not a lot of people there it's cold and its after school hours but i guess it was like our send off 

We get on the bus i take a window seat and one of my best friends riker takes a aisle seat next to me 

We pull into the stadium and go through the gates when we pull over the the locker rooms the columbine bus pulls up right beside us we walk to the locker rooms almost in sink

We get in the locker room as were getting dressed these walls where i terrible choice for a locker room everyone talking and all of are voices are reflecting off of these walls you can't hear anything 

People start to tral off outside 1 by 1 

Walk outside *click* *clack* cleats hitting the cement flooring 

Heart pounding POUNDING POUNDING i step out onto the track surrounding the field 

Its here but not HERE but this would be it 

We run back to the locker room 

X gives us a speech to hype us up 

We stand in the tunnel waiting in anticipation 

We run through the banner sprinting onto the field. I'm trying to run as fast as I can but at the same time take it all in.

The author's comments:

Football player

Weight lifter 

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