June 2022 Poetry Contest- Traps | Teen Ink

June 2022 Poetry Contest- Traps

June 18, 2022
By _fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
_fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everywhere you go, there are traps

Ones that make you collapse

Gigantic gaps.

Your only goal:

Don’t fall into the loophole

Of demise

What is invisible to the eye

Try to lure you in

you have to ensure

you don’t fall down any holes


Trouble will smear dust across your face

It will leave a nasty trace

Traps will chase

And if that's the case

Don’t be a fool

To follow people you don’t trust.

Just because it's cool

Because soon

You will fall into their trap

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