2022 June Poetry Contest: From Reality to Heaven | Teen Ink

2022 June Poetry Contest: From Reality to Heaven

June 23, 2022
By Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the clouds droop from the sky,

The sun begins to rise, waving goodbye.

I have to admit that I know that she is going to a better place,

But it’s still something I can’t fully face.

The clouds begin to cry,

Ending up, so do my eyes. 

As the clouds slowly become lean,

The sun welcomes her with gleam.

I can tell that it has happened,

For the sky above me had blackened. 

As the clouds and I shed our final tears,

Her fluffy wings begin to appear.  

The author's comments:

Whenever I write poems, I don't always tend to use words that rhyme. My poems are normally like a story that are just in the format of a poem. This is why it had been a bit difficult for me to think of words that could rhyme and actually make sense within this poem. Yet, I think the words that I have chosen work well in portraying how someone's life in the real world would eventually make it's way up to heaven. 

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