Familiar Voices | Teen Ink

Familiar Voices

July 22, 2022
By Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard them

I swear.

It wasn't in my head

I swear.

It WAS in that cave that I went to yesterday

I swear.

It was in that hole that we saw through the formations 

I swear.

It was their raspy voices 

I swear.

I know it was those blasted smoke-filled explorers 

I swear.

I know it was them

I swear.


I swear it was them.

The author's comments:

I had gotten inspired to write this piece when my parents and I had been traveling and one of the places we had gone to had been a cave. While we were on a tour of the cave, based on the history that the tour guide had been telling us about, I had gotten an image in my mind of hearing voices of the explorers who had explored the cave decades ago, giving me the idea to write this poem. 

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