Runner's Weakest | Teen Ink

Runner's Weakest

September 19, 2022
By Night-Rain GOLD, Alma, Michigan
Night-Rain GOLD, Alma, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better" - Maya Angelou

Running has never seemed so complicated,

So captivating,

So alluring,

At least until I am sprinting

Fast as I can,

Running faster than ever

The anxiety that builds up

Could never compete with the utter joy I feel in the end

Nothing could

Even though I’m not even on the track

For more than ten seconds,

I still feel alive when I run

This feeling is unstoppable


This, however, only lasts a few seconds

Only a few seconds,

Before it all tears down

Before everything feels like a fever-dream

Until you can’t stand up right

Until…you can’t run.

The author's comments:

I am a sprinter in track. This poem explains how running, for me, is both freeing and painful. I have a disease in both my knees, so doing certain exercises hurts. However, I still run, jump, and play sports.

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