Banshee has no place in our forest | Teen Ink

Banshee has no place in our forest MAG

October 9, 2022
By natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The role of the poet, beginning with my own childhood experience, is to deserve the trust of people who know that what you do is work with words.”- June Jordan

Our defenses for the last month
In our little town have been depleted.
Our water supply worse.
The side river dusts itself with fog
And behind it your figure
Haunts our brain
And terrors the sweet children.
Our elders know the legends.
Your tears will drown every plotted
Land, sacred valleys we hold holy. Seeping under
The cracks in the doorways,
the sour
Creek will make its way under the
stone, dead floors and
Continue its way, past

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