Lens | Teen Ink


October 12, 2022
By syruskf SILVER, San Marcos, California
syruskf SILVER, San Marcos, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's only time, it won't age like wine
But it's mine and I'll take the blow"

I climb up the hill like Sisyphus

For eternity, it feels

As if

It’s the same



My lens never shifting

Aperture ever still

Swimming in circles in your pupils

The ocean churning

On this new years day

Stepping in the same river twice on both banks

Against my advice

But why would I listen to me?

On this new years day

Before you were mine

I held my breath, maybe I shouldn’t

Woozy still

Can you sense my infatuation? Can you?

On this new years day

Seeing you in still

Would make my day

But the day is still

Today no different

From yesterday

This new years day

Brings the passage of time

But all I want

Is to pass you

Catch your eye

On this new years day

The author's comments:

On the person in physics

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