Windows | Teen Ink


October 12, 2022
By Titanium SILVER, Burlington, Ontario
Titanium SILVER, Burlington, Ontario
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always appreciate what you have before it's gone."

- Anonymous

Looking out the dark window, I see nothing but blank white. Is this a dream, perhaps? I try to turn around, yet an invisible force pulls and tugs at me, toward the window. I struggle and twist to rid the invisible hand. That's when I see my surroundings. They are pitch black. For a moment, I stay deathly still, realizing that I was in nothing but a room of darkness with an eerie white window. The next second, the tugging sensation became more vigorous until I simply gave up and let it drag me slowly toward the whiteness. I don't recall what happened next.

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