My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 13, 2022
By 3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name originated in Israel. In Hebrew. The name for what it is seen as in Egyptian culture, as a god of destruction and disorder. Egyptian culture isn’t a significant part of my life but it caught my eye reading how much different I thought my name meant. I thought it would have been a more calming or relaxing name, nothing but a smile as if nothing can go wrong. But it isn’t as I believed. My name is Seth.

I was named Seth because my dad didn’t want an extremely basic name like my brothers — Aleck and Aidan. I was different to my parents, for reasons they don’t even know, so they gave me a name, unlike my brothers.

Coming from a mixed, Indian and European family, my parents would have never given me a traditional Indian name like Sanjay, Rajiv, or Shikhar. my mother knowing how people in America are. I would get made fun of for having a weird name. So they chose to give me something not Indian but a normal American name that isn’t the most popular.

The name Seth is short but strong. One syllable. Starts with making a sound like a snake “sssss”. The name as a whole just slithers right off the tongue, very smooth and together. All coming out at once. No breaks in the word. Just straight away. S-ET-H. fluent.

More of a calming name. Soft. But it is truly not what I thought, it means the opposite of a good name. A name of being destruction. I truly don't feel like I'm that kind of person. A person to destroy. 

I feel like I’m more of a calm person. I’ve only acted on something when I truly feel something is wrong. I’m a person who wouldn’t get mad for no reason. I have always been one to help others. Defend my little brother. Make sure nothing happens to him. No matter how others may think of me.

The author's comments:

It's about how truly interpret it compared to what it is defined as in other cultures.

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