Alaskan Atmosphere | Teen Ink

Alaskan Atmosphere

October 24, 2022
By ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home".

Alaskan Atmosphere 

We step outside into the brisk Alaskan winds.

My flesh grows cold.

The frigid air kisses my worries goodbye. 

As I look out into the Northern Pacific Ocean, a glacier stares at me.

Stares at us. 

More blue than the sky.

Brighter than the clouds.

The sunshine glistens on the extensive icebergs.

But our smiles are more broad.

Mighty mountains- uncorrupted like the stars.

Rocky shapes and curved lines- their imperfection is a blessing. 

Trees with different shades of greens.

The Earth's colors admixture naturally.

I hear the wind whistle. 

The birds sing along.

I smell the soil from below.

My shoes take shape with every step on the ground. 

The mountains decompress our world. 

I reach out of the raft, and the creek feels draft.

The water glimmers in the sunlight. 

The transpicuous, crystal clear blue. 

Untouched by mankind, like a galaxy flying high. 

Loud babbles, ripples, and trickles.

Yet they unload my mind, like a lion returning to its natural habitat. 


A once in a lifetime experience? 

If only it was a lifetime. 

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