Autumn Begins! | Teen Ink

Autumn Begins!

October 24, 2022
By Anonymous

The brisk air blowing,

   with the warm sun rays,

     comforting my skin.

Tells me, Autumn weather

Is Beginning!

The sun's rays,

     make the trees' autumn leaves blaze,

Gold, Orange and Red.

Mimicking fiery flames. 

The smell of Fiery leaves,

  Makes the air unexpectedly sweet,

like a fresh brew of Pumpkin 

   spice lattes in a cafe. 

The pumpkin spice air,

Wips fast!  Fiery leaves 

Twirl vigorously!!

 then retire from the 

Company of the tree’s.

The trees left bairen 

  and bleak, but wonderful.

The sharp angles,

  and gentle bends

Of the tree's lengthy branches,

Were hiding.

The sweet air carries

    the fiery leaves.

And the silky fluff seeds

   of milkweed.

Mistaken for snow.

That blankets the ground, 

Quilting over pine cones

Acorns and more.

Tell’s me that Autumn is here!

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