The Good Green Earth Called Nature | Teen Ink

The Good Green Earth Called Nature

October 25, 2022
By ADF-Poetry BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
ADF-Poetry BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The fair comes once a year so pick up your head and carry on cause life isn’t fair.

-David Abraham Flakus

Good Green Earth Surrounding Me

With water running down leaves,

Where does that water come from,

why does buzzing come from bees,

That nature is pure Beauty

And man cannot explain it,

That Beauty we, see so clear,

And so we try to Cage it,

In a cage it cannot Grow

Nor will it be as Pretty,

even still the cage is made

And in we Shove that Beauty,

“Isn’t There Another Way?”

The animals Cry and Plead,

“I will Fight and Bite and Scream

Until at Last I am Freed!”,

They sang in pained unison   

But soon that song grew Silent,

From men that showed their Power

With a Bullet from a Gun,

The plants have it no better,

With Few of them taking seed,

The ones that take root plenty

Are then neutered like a Weed,

so this Nature forsakes us,

Sending storm from Sea to Sea,

Burnt land with Mighty Fires,

And Cleansing us with Sickness,

Cleansing all our Wicked Deeds,

For the earth was kind to us

And gifted us with Beauty,

But we returned her Kindness

With the Greediness of Man,

So now I write to warn You

To not treat our nature So,

For if you Gift her kindness

Seeds of Friendship will be sewn,

These seeds will grow you Bird Songs,

maybe natural Bouquets,

Maybe Loving animals

will Brighten up a tough day,

There’s One thing I know for sure

This sweet nature has told me,

That when Your body joins her

Pretty flowers will appear

To comfort and console all

Who came and wept at your Name,

This is my natures story,

My Good Green Earth Surrounds Me,

Be good and Kind to nature,

So that she can Bless your Soul.

The author's comments:

I went on a road trip last summer through the beautiful mountains in Tennessee. Starting out at the trees I got the idea for the first line and couldn’t stop. Hope you enjoy this poem as much as I did writing it

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