A Princess's Duty | Teen Ink

A Princess's Duty

December 19, 2022
By maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22" -Swift and Bridgers, Nothing New (2021)


Dark grey walls

Drops splatter on the ground



The air grows damp

As the walls wail,

They wail for their freedom

To escape the life they’ve been destined to

The life she’s been destined to

Her eyes grow bleak and lifeless

As she travels through a strangers labyrinth

She knows it’s her duty

The frayed edges of her dress snag

On the sharp betrayals of her surroundings

The betrayals of her own life

Her heart stolen,

Taken from her autonomy

As she’s forced into this





The moist smell invades her body

Stealing the last piece of her,

Her innocence

And yet as she traverses these halls,

She hears the screams of those

Sentenced to this life before her

Shrieking to escape; to leave

But she’s been shackled to her fate

Puncturing her heart, 

Laughing as it deflates

It’s dark

Her dark, grey walls

And she can’t stop walking.

-The Archer

The author's comments:

I was listening to Mozart and was getting lost in the melodic string instruments and powerful composition of the piece in its entirety. The words just start to flow from my brain onto my paper. This is a story about a girl who bears a crown and was trapped in an arranged marriage. This is how she realizes, her story was never for her to control. 

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