The Ocean | Teen Ink

The Ocean

December 26, 2022
By MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of. The tree is the real thing." - Abraham Lincoln

A vast body of mystery,

Secrets undiscovered.

Humanity’s lifeline, 

The aorta of Earth. 

Fueling survival, 

It nurtures life.

Sometimes calm and steady, 

And sometimes unruly and violent.

It symbolizes everlasting balance, 

The Law of the Universe. 

Yet, cruel human nature has crossed its path. 

Contamination, erosion, and depletion

Plague this resplendent beauty.

A bridge, 

A catalyst, 

A home, 

A weapon, 

A necessity. 

It’s time to care. 

It’s time to take action. 

It’s time to appreciate it. 

It is among humanity’s greatest gifts, 

Biggest Boons, 

Prodigious Presents. 

It is:

The Ocean. 

The author's comments:

This piece is dedicated to the world's oceans and their great importance as an integral part of human civilization. Our oceans have contributed to much of human advancement, yet we continue to mistreat one of our greatest gifts. The intentional format of the poem's stanzas depict the nature of oceans: the beginning 3 stanzas are consistent in lines to represent the peacefulness of oceans while the remaining portion is inconsistent to represent the unruliness of oceans. 

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