How About That | Teen Ink

How About That

January 31, 2023
By ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Have you ever even thought about that?”

I ponder

I internalize

I pay it no mind

The question, however, keeps me awake at night

Have I ever thought about that?

Why do they care?

How can I be better?

Have they ever even thought about that?

They speak

They ask

They pay it no mind

The question itself meant little to them

I spend too much time on what they say

I spend too much time making everything personal

I spend too much time on this

“Being quiet”

“Gaining weight”


“Have you ever even thought about that?” 

They persist

I have thought about that

But I don’t care

And I will be better

The author's comments:

The past, present, and future keeps me restless during the late hours of the night.

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