Winter's Bound | Teen Ink

Winter's Bound

January 31, 2023
By Onicka GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Onicka GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the cold, winter breeze, nipping at your bitter, running nose 

You cower with pale hands and knuckles red

As you wish to fight me off but I am beyond strength

I am twirling about; in your hair, through your fingers, against your cheeks

taunting you, as I am intangible 

When the ground is white with snow and decorates the trees in a flutter of frost

All the animals abandon their natural abode

Flocking North, East, South, West; anywhere away

Like a landlord evicting them to the curb

I am the crunch of snow beneath your tarnished boots

The subtle prick against your throbbing ears, 

Endorsing the cruelty of a premature setting sun

The cherishment of warmth nothing but vain

For you, child, and your community of people turned into husks 

dull and gray from Winter’s touch

For I am exactly that: I am Winter 

A frigid, untamable beast kept alive by the frost and ice

Lingering in your vacant cars

Creeping through your bedroom windows to diminish your blankets warm hug

The shower of snow amongst your driveways and ice distributing across your roads

In a thick sheet of minaciousness

I am here; you cannot escape my wrath

Not yet at least,

Until a few harrowing months away.  

The author's comments:

A little poem inspired by winter's in Wisconsin 

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