Brilliance | Teen Ink


January 31, 2023
By Alan_Whitmoyer SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Alan_Whitmoyer SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the center of boredom lies inspiration, waiting to cut through the dense foliage of unrest. 

The suffocating white noise, filling the cavities of the mind, inundating your consciousness with worthless static. Beige swirls around your thoughts, coating each fleeting spark in dull restriction. 

Yet, some sparks live through to see their inception. A flash of an idea kicks off the flame, growing and consuming all institutions of the brain until every synapse fires in unified purpose. 

Inspiration strikes, wisps of ideation flurry around the mind with vigorous passion. What once was the dank smells of stagnant ponds is now a mighty river, turbulent desire crashing against the tympanic membranes of visualization.

The mind, satisfied with sporadic conceptions, turns to its analytical state. Straining each idea through a starchy coffee filter, the drips of refined thought pinging the cup below as the comforting smell overtakes the senses. 

The synthesized drink of inspiration forms its sharp edge, cutting through the swirls of beige and the suffocating static of restlessness. The obscure jungle, dark and damp in its thought deterrence, is cut down by awe-inspiring ideation. 

The thoughtful edge whirs through the dense foliage. A flash of silver light coats the eyes. At last, you see beyond the center of boredom, to the freedom and carefree creativity of the vast circle beyond.

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