Attention | Teen Ink


February 1, 2023
By kae1104 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kae1104 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A baby’s cry is bright like a small but raging fire

Unseen in the corner

Screaming to be noticed

Craving the attention necessary for them to survive

Crying because they need food, or sleep, or even need their diaper changed

The child who craves attention in school is the brightest red
Trying to stand out amidst a world where everyone else is black and white

Where unless you're the deepest blue, or the sweetest pink you’ll go unnoticed because your just another neutral tone

When you eat your meal you don't’ remember the mashed potatoes

You remember the sudden sting of the sour salt hitting your tongue

The red child, the crying baby, and the sour salt all get the attention that they craved

While the neutral toned child, the baby who didn’t cry, and the dull potatoes are all forgotten and put to the side to never be noticed again

In a world where all everybody wants is to be showered with attention why should the baby stay quiet

Soon the baby who previously didn’t cry will begin to wail harder than the crying baby

A competition of who can be the loudest will arise, fighting to earn the attention

But if we think back had they both received equal attention to start, the house would be quiet instead of a loud commotion of two screaming babies

The neutral toned children wouldn’t try to change their appearance to be pink, red, or blue

The dull potatoes wouldn't coat themselves in extra salt so they could be remembered too 

The fire will continue to spread until it is acknowledged

Once the fire gets the attention it deserves, the fogs of the fire extinguisher engulf it and put it out

The author's comments:

This piece is about how people always need attention. If one person gives all their attention to one person, the others will be left without any at all. The people who don't get enough attention will attempt to change themselves to get the attention of others.

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