The vast ocean? | Teen Ink

The vast ocean?

February 22, 2023
By MollySpeaks BRONZE, Newry, Mourne And Down, Other
MollySpeaks BRONZE, Newry, Mourne And Down, Other
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Is it I who paddles alone?

A dingy in the vast sea of ignorace,

The oars my patience,

And my hope the nourishment that feeds my body.

Or is my dingy a lie?

It feels like a home but maybe it's the water welcoming me.

The pure bliss of not knowing that pulls everyone in eventually.

The author's comments:

Hello, my name is Molly. This is my first post. I wanted to write for a while and I love poems with a hint of melancholy within. So why not?

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