Dollhouse | Teen Ink


April 14, 2023
By ViperE PLATINUM, Lockport, New York
ViperE PLATINUM, Lockport, New York
35 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can take it, you can make it"

Is this what a dollhouse is

perfect on the outside

but then the flaws

are not seen from an outsiders view. 

When in reality

everything is flawed

will anybody realize? 

Is that what a dollhouse is?

Do dollhouses have alcohol and cheaters

just like people cheat on tests?

I cheat on life, I know I'll get sinned one day.

Do people know

the pain they've caused?

Calling me a crybaby

won't help your emotional scars.

It will only help me

to become the girl I need to be. 

Perfect people get A+'s and they have a life

while I'm stuck here trying to move along.

If I'm not perfect, what will my friends say?

When they worked so hard just to get my way?

I'm secretly a monster

hiding in the shadows

while you luster

for another chunk of flesh

ripped away.

I live in a dollhouse.

Sparkly and clean.

Only if you knew

what I've seen.

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