Migration | Teen Ink


April 26, 2023
By mgough23 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
mgough23 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love remembering how big the world is

So many little lives that wait around

Just when it seems as though the sun has drained your sea

You find a river

Or a tree

Something to climb into

Something to greet

And if you're kind enough, maybe the wind will just sweep you away in it all

Fly you South

One with the birds

And the great blue sky

And moments to be met

And somewhere to land

Far away from the dust

You can forget that it once clogged your lungs

Because here, light and life could hold each other's hands

And if you wanted to, there was enough world to leave behind

And you could fly somewhere new again

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