Poem: {Gone} | Teen Ink

Poem: {Gone}

April 30, 2023
By YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
52 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
*insert funny quote*

Every ounce of dignity I had left
Was stripped away from me
Layer by layer.

Had I only chosen to be,
Chosen to stay true to the essence of who I really was,
I would have still felt relief.

I crumbled under everything that was forced upon me
and bit by bit I lost myself.

I gave it all away,
To be somebody who I was never meant to be

I'm gone.

The author's comments:

This poem is about being yourself... Or more like... The exact opposite. I guess, you could say this poem is about the consequences of NOT staying to true to yourself, which are exactly why you should be yourself in the first place!

*This has also been shared on my personal Wattpad account.

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