Concrete Flowers | Teen Ink

Concrete Flowers

May 13, 2023
By andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are people that grow like flowers. They reach toward the sun, knowing that they can make it because the dirt is just right for them and they have everything that they need in order to do it; the right amount of petals and minimal obstacles.

Then there are the people who grow like concrete flowers. The flowers who have had everything thrown at them; not enough light, not enough dirt, not enough space to grow and yet they do. The people who have had the privilege of meeting concrete flowers know their beauty, the things they fought to become like that. To become flecks of beauty in the concrete.

Concrete flowers are usually more beautiful, because they have a wild beauty to them that a flower grown in dirt doesn't.

The author's comments:

To all the concrete flowers- I see you, and I love you

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