My Garden | Teen Ink

My Garden

May 24, 2023
By Anonymous

My thumb goes green

Green like the weeds tangled in my white fence

Green like the leaves that spread across the trees in the summer

Green like the algae stretching across the pond

Green like the praying mantis strutting through the tall grass

My knees go brown 

Brown like the dirt I dig to make room for the seasons vegetation

Brown like the rust permanently stained on the water can

Brown like the beetles that nibble on the leaves of my plants

Brown like the mud that is left after the morning showers that stain the pavement

The sun shines down on my garden

The wind whistles through the plants

The birds sing pretty songs from high up 

The bees buzz around the flowers choosing what to pollinate 

My garden gives life to the earth like a breath of fresh air

The author's comments:

This is an imagery poem.

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