“Anxiety” | Teen Ink


May 31, 2023
By Liambleuschrom BRONZE, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Liambleuschrom BRONZE, Saint Paul, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 2021,

COVID still rampant.

We were able to come to school—

But only under specific 


Wear a mask, 

If you’re sick— don’t come.

And you must have your

Up-to-date vaccinations.

It wasn’t too bad.

I was glad that I 

Wasn’t stuck home anymore.

I went to school, barely talking, 

Rarely raising my hand.

All other students did the same.

I was shaking everyday.

My stomach twisting and turning

Like a storm in the ocean that

Never stops

And the waves seem to

Only get stronger.

I get on the school bus

After a day of the ocean 

Whipping and whirling

Inside of me. 

My breath sharp,

My chest rising and falling

Without any pause.

Listening to music, 

With my busted earbuds.

Full volume.

Drowning out the hurricane.

It hurt my ears but I

Just thought it would make me

Feel better.

I walk home, my knees


I make it to the door, 

My hands shaking,

My eyes watering

It’s too hard see—

The key, nearly in the lock. 


I’m inside. 

I see my dog waiting for me.

His short tail wagging

And his brown eyes big with joy.

The hurricane within me slows

And the ocean is still.

The author's comments:

I wanted this poem to convey how I felt during the COVID-19 pandemic. When we were let back to school, all of my social skills were gone and only my anxiety was left. I hope someone can relate to this. Thank you for reading!

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