Heartbreak | Teen Ink


June 6, 2023
By ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The brush strokes of navy blue found upon the Mona Lisa.

I am weeping, sobbing into a tissue that is thrown 

Into a basket. Uneaten food sitting outside the door,

I hear voices of those who care but not the voice I seek out. 

I am a corpse inside the comfort of my bed. It is soft and familiar,

Must I truly wake up? The pitch black of night is when I exit my snug

cave of comfort, finally filling my belly after depriving myself 

Of substance for so long. I am feeling silver, as if I finished second–


The first to lose. 


I must let you go now,

But I will forget you not just as

None have forgotten the Mona Lisa. 

The author's comments:

This poem represents the feeling that come after a relationship ends. By being relatable it shows that relationships can and do end and that your feelings after they end are reasonable and necessary for you to get over the end of the relationship.

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