Waiting for You | Teen Ink

Waiting for You

June 21, 2023
By qwerty345 GOLD, New York, New York
qwerty345 GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't hide your feelings. Write about them instead!

As I was walked,

I looked for a familiar face amongst the sea of people.

I was discouraged when I couldn’t find you.


I kept looking.


For even a small glimpse of you. 

Even when I got to my destination, 

I kept looking for you.

I waited for a while.

People came and went,

but I continued waiting.

Hoping that you would come.

I looked down at my watch.

An hour passed. 

Looking back, 

the hope I held onto was a little pathetic.

There was no way you would come.


there was no longer anyone around. 

I wondered if I should just leave. 

But I decided to wait a little longer.

I held onto my small glimmer of hope 

that you would somehow arrive.

So many thoughts raced into my head.

Doubt, yearning, and desire.

A pit formed in my stomach. 

I was right.

You would never come. 

Or so I thought.

I began to leave. 

But you came


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