Your Resurrection as a Survivor | Teen Ink

Your Resurrection as a Survivor

August 29, 2023
By berkeleythepoet BRONZE, Marquette, Michigan
berkeleythepoet BRONZE, Marquette, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your Resurrection as a Survivor

I knocked my teeth against the

Warm pottery, green & chipped 

In the handle. Tea sloshed inside and

You slept through it all

Tugged your life under the

Blankets with you, soft pink

With holes I sept through because 

One day waking up will not feel like

Giving up, and here’s a cup of tea 

In the meantime to keep you


At four pm the kettle whistles and I 

Drink my helpless into other


You once sunk teeth into sunshine, ate

Up the days with the voracious throat of a 

Person who saw ten miles out on a 


Tis world doesn’t stop for nothing, and that

Blanket keeps you from seeing so-

Reflections in green mugs water my 

Cashed hopes for your resurrection as a 


Twisting of golden milk on my 

Tongue, it soaks my rehashed

tugs to this place where you

can taste the maple in the water and the

Leaves in the air you breathe you breathe

Again, into me- wake your fingers up 


Can’t rush right into happy, love like

Water doesn’t boil


Knock your teeth on a mug, feel the

Wrinkles pressed into your face, feel 

Angry, let your heat spill over the rim and

Let it unfurl on the floor because 

Someday you’ll see the trouble with 

Blankets and maybe then you can 



And see my drenched smile, cause 

Baby I’ve been here the whole damn time

Drinking my tea and imagining the 

days where you don’t sleep 

Through it all

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a friend who was struggling mentally, in the same way I struggled just a couple years ago. This was a letter to them, but also a letter to myself; an ode to my own recovery while also a plea to my friend- because I do know that healing takes different forms and comes at different times. I found my place in life once again, after a few months of therapy, while I was looking out the window and drinking ginger tea. Since that moment, I have associated clarity and recovery with the taste of warm ginger and the feel of my favorite mug under my hands. Deep down, I know that a cup of tea can't help my sweet friend see how absolutely stunning and invaluable they and their life are, but I do have hope, and love for them no matter what. <3

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