three little girls | Teen Ink

three little girls

September 7, 2023
By amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
why are people so scared of death? because I love it does that make me a freak? death sound comforting and sweet.

~~~Three little girls~~~

Three little girls all inside me 

One the crazy you all see

Two the lonely who loves to hurt me 

Three who’s always hiding

 who doesn’t know what's happening

Three little girls all fighting in me, 

All wish to be free

Fight they must forever and ever

Who will win

Oh I wonder

Three little girls, scared and alone

All without hope

And all without a home

All sisters

But still don’t know 

Three little girls all inside me,

Still wishing to be free


~~~The Crazy~~~

Smiles and giggles 

The person you know

Is just one of three, 

How scary it is to never look sad

How scary it be so lonely

She’s the most hated of all the three

All alone

Filled with sorrow and rejection 

Fills the pit for the lonely 

Forgets what is to be actually happy





All things to describe her

Scared of her sister the lonely 

Fills her with fear and hurt

Where are you going

“I'm tired” she says 

“I’ll play tomorrow if not a rainy day”

“Beware, my sister, she brings storms with her”

“She will make you cry and say mean things “

“And with that goodnight”

The crazy

But is she really crazy?

Maybe sacred and lonely 

Maybe longs to stay and play

But you all wish she go away.

so she will go away 


~~~The lonely~~~

Filled with anger, hate, & sorrow

Embarrassed by her sisters

Call her monster if you dare

She cuts and cuts everywhere

Sometimes noticeable others hidden

Many scars in and out

Her  thoughts all bad 

Like a prison

Let her out 

She’s going crazy

Don’t worry about her

It won’t work

She believes 

That she doesn’t belong

Scared of herself and others

Help her belong


The hider

Beware the hider 

She hides 

She lies

And she runs away

Scared of what people think and say

Will she ever climb her wall

What will she see

A beautiful meadow and a sunset

Or a bloody battlefield 

 Is it worth it?

Why climb now?

Will they accept me

But in the end it doesn’t matter

Alone and scared

Isolated from the rest 

Will she break free from her cage

Will she always run when things aren’t her way

Will she let people in

Probably never.


Three little girls

All together

They still fight

Still not better

Will it end

Probably not

They all live inside me

Scared and betrayed 

Far away

Three little girls

All inside me 

Fight forever 

But still together

My head is hurting 

Is it them screaming

I wish they all rest

From this evergoing hate

Maybe it’s for the best

Maybe fate

We will never know

Three little girls all wish you 

Fair well

The author's comments:

this is about what is inside me.

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