An Average Night | Teen Ink

An Average Night

September 20, 2023
By windowcracker BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
windowcracker BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The loneliest day of my life.

Everything turns black and white.

Dull like a pocket knife.

Take my own life I might. 

The only light is gray.

How I wish it were rich black.

As I sit where I stay. 

I wait for night to attack. 

A party under the moon.

A dance with masks.

A little piece of heaven is soon. 

I don't know how much longer I can last.

All I have to do is pretend. 

Eventually, all will end.

The author's comments:

Most of the day I am alone. I don't have many friends in my classes and right after school, I go to work till after dark. The only time I get to be free is at night. Once the moon is in the air I am free to wonder and not be alone. This poem reflects how I feel through most of the day until the sun goes down.  

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