Untitled | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am Lainey Soto.

I am the middle of three sisters, all close in age. 

My oldest sister, 19, has moved on from our small town and attends Lewis and Clark in Portland, a talented soccer player and musician. 

My youngest sister, 15, is in her sophomore year at my former school and continues the legacy of soccer for my family.

While we are close in age, our differences set us apart. 

From mere looks to entire personalities, my siblings and I are each of our own.

Sometimes I wonder if we are even related at all.

But, we have in common the love and spirit from my parents. 

The love for the outdoors, the athleticism, and the desire to learn.

Differences aside, our parents harbor the same love for all of us. 

I am a successful field hockey player.

Playing my third season on the varsity field hockey team, I am in close ranks with the captains.

I have loved the sport since I was eight. 

Now that I have doubled my age since I first picked up a stick, I am proud of where I have come.

The stress of the game is my adrenaline.

The reward of a win is my high.

I continue to choose this beloved sport over any other.

As I improve my game play, I look to my future.

I hope to continue my efforts on a D3 team after high school. 

With my busy schedule, I have no current plans to continue professionally after college, but I am far from any decision of this sort.

I am an avid baker. 

I run a small business in my limited free time.

I learned all my skills from my beautiful mother.

I remember loitering in the kitchen when I was young. 

Even being shooed away, I picked up a whisk and watched her rhythm of baking.

I waited to help, but eventually I could do without.

Still licking the spoon as I did years ago, I bake with my own rhythm now.

Occasionally I bake a “man catcher” cake, to remember when I was the one looking over her shoulder.

Though I can never remember what the name of the cake meant, now, she looks over mine.

Thanks to my persistence, I will continue baking for life.

I am Lainey Soto. 

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