We are the same | Teen Ink

We are the same

September 27, 2023
By raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk through a place called Paradise Falls. The water is a light, glistening turquoise blue and the clouds hovering above threaten rain. 

I sit at the edge of a cliff that seems to fall endlessly. Mackenzie is sitting next to me, but she does not look like herself. Not like how I remember her to be.

Lightning flashes in the distance and lights up her face, followed by a crack of thunder so loud I could feel it in my stomach. I look away from her.

When I look back, she is gone.

Hesitantly, I get up and walk away from the cliff’s edge.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, suddenly next to me was a massive red dragon with scales the size of my face, claws as long as my body, and teeth the length of my legs. To a stranger, He would strike so much fear that one could pass out.

But I am not afraid. We have met before.

I stop walking and so does He. I turn to face Him and He does me. He mirrors me with every action I take.

It starts pouring but He does nothing to shield me from the rain.

I look down and watch my white Air Force 1s get covered with rain and mud.

He looks down and watches, too.

He and I are the same.

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