The Bakery Owner | Teen Ink

The Bakery Owner

September 27, 2023
By MugLover1066 GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
MugLover1066 GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt about sea angels

They scurried across the Trondheim Fjord.

I was in a boat, with Martin Luther and

Gordon Ramsay. One of them said 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

While the other one said “Donkey!”

It didn’t make sense how I got here, stranded.

Stranded on a boat with two pretty cool people.

It reminded me of my first crush, Maya

Finally realizing that I was enjoying life.

I sat down on the boat and a duotrigintillion different fish rose to the surface.

The fish surrounded the boat, which was colored

Like the fur of a Bigfoot or a Cherokee Devil.

Off the coast of Tjøtta, I am tinkering with my hiking boots

They made me say “DONUT!” when a hole broke through.

I thought that wearing my boots would make me a rizzler,

But all it ended up doing was make me hungry for a twizzler.

I was a hungry fellow aboard this boat. I could go for some

100% grass fed angus beef strip steak with fried eggs right now.

Or maybe an ice cold bottle of fire brewed with all natural honey Sprecher Root Beer brewed in Wisconsin.

My stomach was ravaging like an EF4 wedge tornado. I just wanted to be

“Livin’ la vida loca” på Norge because “Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me”.

“I love Mug Root Beer” I said to Mr. Luther

“The dog is just so cool”.

“It’s my penultimate favorite drink,” said Mr. Gustav Holst.

Mr. Holst was not very based.

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