Where am I at | Teen Ink

Where am I at

September 27, 2023
By player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where am I at

I was a little boy with a lot ahead of Himself

I was a kid who thought he knew everything

I was a teenager going into high school and didn't know what was next

I was this and I was that

What am I now

I am a boy who has come a long way from playing soccer at the park

I am a kid that has so much more to learn about myself as a human

I am a young man that has done so much and seen too much

I am myself

Why am I not comfortable in my own skin

I want to be better in every way possible

I want to know more about myself ans everything around me

I want to be someone that can make a difference

I want to this, I want to know everything

Why cant I just relax

I love to play volleyball 

I love to see my friends and family

I love to learn new things

I love to be comfy and go with the flow

I'm doing just fine where I'm at.

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