a gust of change | Teen Ink

a gust of change

September 27, 2023
By writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was once a girl who looked forward to life

Then I felt a change like a gust of wind

Now I am a boy who feels many emotions all at once

I no longer felt happy and content with life 

All the trauma of family and the people around me came back 

Hitting me like a golf ball

I felt a longing for something more, something better

Something that would make me feel safe

In and out in and out in and out I Went 

Reflecting on what I had learned in the hospital and how I could improve 

On who I am in this world and where I want to go in life

Now I have slowly found the pieces that fit together 

And the yarn is now unraveling

I feel confident with who I am and what I want to do to help make change 

I have dreams of becoming a mortician or and entomologist and want to make them come True

I have interests of bugs and always feel ashamed when I share

The stares, the disgust, but no matter what I hold my ground

I am a boy who is truly one of a kind and can never be replaced

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