Enchanting Girl | Teen Ink

Enchanting Girl

September 27, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Auburn hair, with locks of curls 

Eyes as clear as crystals 

Skin as light as day 

Freckles that would remind you of little chocolate chips!

When you think of her you generally think of something bright

You could think of the stars in the night sky

You could think of a flashlight that lights up full of life 

You could compare her to a peach or a peacock

Sweet like the peach

Curious, random, and fun like the peacock.


The two colors that would describe her would be the yellow of a shining sun, and pink of a cotton candy 

The two flowers that would represent her are a Iris and a Sunflower 

The bubbles and the currents in any body of water is perfect for embellishing this enchanting girl 

Enchanting girl 

Enchanting girl

Enchanting girl 

This is who I am 

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