A World of Colors | Teen Ink

A World of Colors

September 27, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beaming brightness of the sun is a never ending circle 

It envelops everyone and is much like the earth itself.

The gold of that trophy you receive is the crisp of a golden apple 

It invites you in like the opening of a window. 

The heat and spiciness of hot sauce is the sound of lava erupting from a volcano

It fuses the energy of the heat and blood we feel in our veins when we are in pain.

The appearance of a sunset is on the edge of Orange

It sways on an arc from one point to the next. 

The swirls of the winds comes to you like a new idea

It wraps around you like a blanket. 

The ringing of the triangles is the sound of a shooting star

It shines on you with the vibrant energy of a thousand suns.   

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