Empty World | Teen Ink

Empty World

September 27, 2023
By 5zywiec SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5zywiec SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t live without my friends; life would feel so lonely without them.

Who would make me laugh and smile in the hallways?

Who would have fun joking around with me?

Who would I go out with?

I can't live without my family; the house would be too quiet. 

Who would annoy me while I'm chilling in my room?

Who would I eat dinner with?

Who would I go on road trips with?

I can’t live without my boyfriend; everything would be so empty.

Who else would be that sweet to me? 

Who else would love me the way he does?

Who else would make me feel like everything is okay? 

I could never forget him.

I can’t live without my pictures; it feels like none of it would have ever happened.

Where could I have all my memories? 

Where could I show others the places I’ve been?

Where could I have everything forever?

How would I get to relive all the things I've done.

I can’t live without music; the world would be in absolute silence.

How could I express myself?
How can I easily bond with others? 

How am I meant to do my work? 

How am I meant to live without all my favorite things and people? Life would be impossible without my favorite things.

Nothing would ever feel the same.

Life would feel like one big joke. 

I wouldn’t be the same person I am now.

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