I am not a poet | Teen Ink

I am not a poet

September 28, 2023
By Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not a poet

I am

I am the light in the dark,

I am the confidence in the unconfident.

I am the captain of an untamed sea,

I am interchangeable like the seasons of the earth.

I am also not a poet, nor do I plan to be.

I am just another person with big dreams.

I am a friend, an enemy, and a bystander.

I am as true as a rainbow is straight;

I am nonsense.

This template is not for me.

It doesn't fit the person I show myself to be.

Although some of the poem above is true,

I like to try things that are new.

Meet people, laugh the whole night through.

I am no poet,

But I am interesting, and you should know it.

I am still not a poet,

I just can rhyme,

But know I'll reach the top,

Because I am not afraid of the climb.

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