I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

September 28, 2023
By Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I am the performer you watch on stage

I am the comic relief that fills the gaps.

I am the main character of the story.

I am the side character that’s never named.

I am the love interest you want to be with.

I am the singer that gets the standing ovation.

I am the villain who tries to ruin your plan.

I am the best friend that gives good advice.

I am the nerd who gets shoved in a locker.

I am the popular girl that’s mean to the main character.

I am the mom who’s clueless throughout the show.

I am the teacher who helps you grow.

I am the background character with no lines.

I am the dancer dancing all night.

I am the actor who plays all these parts,

I bring them to life and give them a start.

I put on new faces and give them a whirl,

But under it all,

I am just a girl.

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