Libby | Teen Ink


October 3, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments



Locks of rich dark hair fall from her shoulders.

Eyes as Brown as Chocolate.

Skin as dark as night.

Bubbly like a hot tub.

Hilarious like a Chicken.  

Crazy girl reminding me of a rollercoaster. 

She had a heart of Gold.

She cared about others.

She loved making people happy. 

Freespirit she was, riding with the wind.

Her energy was electric.

Ecstatic person to be around. 

She reminds me of the movie Wonder Woman, being all strong and fearless.

Horses are the image that comes to mind as her spirit animal. 

She lit up every room she entered like the shining stars that light up the night sky. 

 When I need to do something bold that I'm afraid to do I'll think of you.

 When I need to convey joy and light I'll think of you.  

 When I look up at the night sky I'll always think of you. 

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