What I worry About | Teen Ink

What I worry About

October 10, 2023
By adakmarks SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
adakmarks SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What I worry about I cannot control,

From the sun and the shine, to the icy cold.

What I worry about is none of your concern,

For sometimes even I cannot discern.

What I worry about can be puzzling,

Worn and beat up soccer cleats to studying. 

What I worry about is being bored,

Or being the one who is boring.

What I worry about is slowing so much I forget,

The expectations of which I am expected never being met.

What I worry about can be so much more,

So much that I will never be able to ignore.

But even with all of these worries I’m still free,

Free to thrive and enjoy and be.

With my family and friends at my side,

Acting as the ones that I will confide in.

I can escape my worries,

Escape what feels scary.

What I worry is no longer more,

For I am gone and never to return.

The author's comments:

My name is Ada and I am in the 8th grade at Mariemont junior high school, this poem is based off the prompt of a story called “The broom Dog” which we read in school. Anyways I hope you enjoy this piece and if you relate know that there is a place for you in this world and you belong. 

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